Latest News

Health & Medicine
2 mins read

The unknown within us – ageing affects our gut flora

Ageing does not only affect the way we look from outside; the microbiota living in our gut also changes with age. The intestinal microbiota of infants is quite well identified, but only 8% of the microbes in elderly people can be characterised at the moment.

We all carry inside us millions of mostly beneficial bacteria that help us manage our diet successfully and maintain our health, although we seldom realise it. So far, the composition of our microbiota is still an area that we know rathe

2 mins read
Particulate matter emissions can come from tire and brake abrasion. Image Credit: Photo by Jacob Levin for Virginia Tech.
Automotive Engineering

Driving the Charge: Researchers Pioneering Zero Emissions

The research reported findings that indicate electric vehicles generally produce less non-exhaust emissions  No exhaust means no emissions, right? Not quite. It is commonly known that while electric vehicles do…

2 mins
A microscope image of lung cancer cells (purple) containing the activated form of a metabolic enzyme called GUK1 (brown) that supports cancer growth. Image Credit: Image: Haigis lab
Health & Medicine

New Insights Uncover Lung Cancer’s Defensive Weaknesses

Scientists uncover an enzyme that boosts cancer cell metabolism to fuel growth  At a glance: Lung cancer is a particularly challenging form of cancer. It often strikes unexpectedly and aggressively…

6 mins
The study’s lead author, Sara Gonzalez, and co-authors Hadley Kerr and Maggie Aydlett, record phenotyping data at WHOI’s Environmental Systems. Image Credit: ©Woods Hole Oceanographic
Agricultural & Forestry Science

Heat-Resistant Kelp Strain Discovered by Woods Hole Scientists

A new strain of kelp can help support sustainable farming  Like most aquatic vegetation, kelp is being negatively impacted by climate change. Warming ocean temperatures have led to shorter growing…

4 mins

Weekly Highlights

Examples of how E and B modes deform imeges of distant galaxies. Image Credit: SISSA Medialab
Physics & Astronomy

Exploring Gravitational Lenses: Are Cosmic Laws Universal?

A JCAP study proposes a test for the Cosmological Principle using weak gravitational lensing  “The cosmological principle is like an ultimate kind of statement of humility,” explains James Adam, astrophysicist…

Studies and Analyses

High-Tech Video Optimization: Enhancing Brain Functionality

ISTA scientists uncover how the brain unblurs vision during movement  Why do our mental images stay sharp even when we are moving fast? A team of neuroscientists led by Professor…

Assorted pills and tablets top border over colored background. Many different pills and space text by snegok1967
Business and Finance

High BTMPS Levels Found in Fentanyl: What It Means for Safety

A UCLA research team has found that drugs being sold as fentanyl contain high amounts of the industrial chemical bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate, or BTMPS. This new substance of concern emerged in…

The BioSCape team is poctured with NASA and South African aircraft. Image Credit: Jeremey Shelton/Fishwater Films
Physics & Astronomy

Measuring Life on Earth from Space: A Global Research Project

Measurements and data collected from space can be used to better understand life on Earth. An ambitious, multinational research project funded by NASA and co-led by UC Merced civil and…

Life & Chemistry

UC Davis Researchers Complete Total Synthesis of Ibogaine

Discovery creates opportunities to study therapeutic properties of ibogaine and related compounds  Ibogaine — a psychoactive plant derivative — has attracted attention for its anti-addictive and anti-depressant properties. But ibogaine…

A scuba diver encounters a school of sardines off the coast of Mexico.
Environmental Conservation

Marine Prosperity Areas: A New Hope for Conservation

Improved approach to marine conservation aligns ecological restoration with human well-being  Could 2025 be the year marine protection efforts get a “glow up”? According to a team of conservation-minded researchers,…

Studying_Sikkim_Floods Insights for Disaster Preparedness
Earth Sciences

Studying Sikkim Floods: Insights for Disaster Preparedness

UCalgary scientist says it’s important to determine what happened and what can be learned  Experts from the global Earth science community – including a scientist from the University of Calgary…

New Study Sheds Light on Pelvic Tissue Tears in Childbirth
Awards Funding

New Study Sheds Light on Pelvic Tissue Tears in Childbirth

Grant enables study into mechanical properties of episiotomy cuts  Millions of women undergo episiotomies during childbirth every year, yet the mechanics behind these surgical cuts remain largely unstudied. A new…

Innovations in
Material Sciences

Materials Sciences
2 mins read

Layer by Layer

How simulations help manufacturing of modern displays. Modern materials must be recyclable and sustainable. Consumer electronics is no exception, with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) taking over modern televisions and portable…

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Automotive Engineering

TU Graz AI System Boosts E-Mobility Powertrain Development

The new method optimises the technical design with regard to classic objectives such as costs, efficiency and package space requirements and also takes greenhouse gas emissions along the entire supply…

Parsimonious models may be the norm in science, but complex models can be more flexible and accurate.
Information Technology

Exploring Ockham’s Razor: Simplifying Complex Innovations

Medieval friar William of Ockham posited a famous idea: always pick the simplest explanation. Often referred to as the parsimony principle, “Ockham’s razor” has shaped scientific decisions for centuries. But…

Information Technology

AI Tool Analyzes Speech Patterns to Identify Depression

Evaluation of an AI-based voice biomarker tool to detect signals consistent with moderate to severe depression Background and Goal: Depression impacts an  estimated 18 million Americans each year,  yet depression…

Information Technology

Humans vs Machines—Who’s Better at Recognizing Speech?

Are humans or machines better at recognizing speech? A new study shows that in noisy conditions, current automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems achieve remarkable accuracy and sometimes even surpass human…

New Discoveries
in Social Sciences

Social Sciences
4 mins read

A remedy against choking under pressure

A dynamic left-hand squeeze helps to optimize performance. The images are legendary: Tennis stars who hit the deciding match ball just outside the line, golfers who putt the ball past…

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Examples of how E and B modes deform imeges of distant galaxies. Image Credit: SISSA Medialab
Physics & Astronomy

Exploring Gravitational Lenses: Are Cosmic Laws Universal?

A JCAP study proposes a test for the Cosmological Principle using weak gravitational lensing  “The cosmological principle is like an ultimate kind of statement of humility,” explains James Adam, astrophysicist…

Schematic depiction of production and incorporation of cosmogenic10Be into ferromanganese crusts. Image Credit: HZDR /
Physics & Astronomy

Deep Sea Anomaly: Unveiling New Marine Innovations

Extraordinary accumulation of rare atoms could improve geological dating methods  Beryllium-10, a rare radioactive isotope produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere, provides valuable insights into the Earth’s geological history….

The BioSCape team is poctured with NASA and South African aircraft. Image Credit: Jeremey Shelton/Fishwater Films
Physics & Astronomy

Measuring Life on Earth from Space: A Global Research Project

Measurements and data collected from space can be used to better understand life on Earth. An ambitious, multinational research project funded by NASA and co-led by UC Merced civil and…

ALMA observations of the protoplanetary disk around HD 142527. The white bars show the directions of the magnetic field revealed by the orientation of the dust grains. The strength of the magnetic field is 0.3 milligauss. For comparison, a typical refrigerator magnet has a magnetic field of about 1,000,000 milligauss. Image Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), S. Ohashi et al.
Physics & Astronomy

“Unveiling Stars’ Magnetic Fingerprints Through Dust Analysis”

For the first time astronomers have succeeded in observing the magnetic field around a young star where planets are thought to be forming. The team was able to use dust…

Thomas Karikari, Ph.D. Image Credit: UPMC
Life & Chemistry

New Biomarker Test Detects Alzheimer’s Earlier, Pitt Study Finds

Years before tau tangles show up in brain scans of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, a biomarker test developed at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine can detect small amounts…

Gas transport through a metal cluster-containing crystalline solid.Hydrogen and carbon monoxide travel at different speeds due to their molecular size relative to the size of nanoscale tunnels in the structure. While hydrogen binds reversibly, carbon monoxide binds irreversibly and distorts the original crown-motif of the platinum and gold atoms into a chalice-motif. Image Credit: Tokyo Metropolitan University
Life & Chemistry

Gas Adsorption Insights on Platinum and Gold Nanotunnels

Understanding gas diffusion in nanoscale voids key to new gas technologies  Tokyo, Japan – Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have elucidated how hydrogen and carbon monoxide is adsorbed into solids…

Life & Chemistry

UC Davis Researchers Complete Total Synthesis of Ibogaine

Discovery creates opportunities to study therapeutic properties of ibogaine and related compounds  Ibogaine — a psychoactive plant derivative — has attracted attention for its anti-addictive and anti-depressant properties. But ibogaine…

The female receives a dead insect as a gift from the male during mating. The gift provides the female with the necessary protein to produce eggs. If the male arrives empty-handed, he is rejected. Image Credit: Tom Houslay
Life & Chemistry

Male Flies Sharpen Eyesight to Outwit Females

With bloated bellies and hairy legs, female flies try to look bigger to get food from courting mates. But male flies, in turn, have sharpened their eyesight to call their…

Materials Sciences

Spintronics memory innovation: A new perpendicular magnetized film

Long gone are the days where all our data could fit on a two-megabyte floppy disk. In today’s information-based society, the increasing volume of information being handled demands that we…

Materials Sciences

Materials with a ‘twist’ show unexpected electronic behaviour

In the search for new materials that can enable more efficient electronics, scientists are exploring so-called 2-D materials. These are sheets of just one atom thick, that may have all…

Materials Sciences

Layer by Layer

How simulations help manufacturing of modern displays. Modern materials must be recyclable and sustainable. Consumer electronics is no exception, with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) taking over modern televisions and portable…

Materials Sciences

Can lab-grown neurons exhibit plasticity?

“Neurons that fire together, wire together” describes the neural plasticity seen in human brains, but neurons grown in a dish don’t seem to follow these rules. Neurons that are cultured…

Automotive Engineering

TU Graz AI System Boosts E-Mobility Powertrain Development

The new method optimises the technical design with regard to classic objectives such as costs, efficiency and package space requirements and also takes greenhouse gas emissions along the entire supply…

Parsimonious models may be the norm in science, but complex models can be more flexible and accurate.
Information Technology

Exploring Ockham’s Razor: Simplifying Complex Innovations

Medieval friar William of Ockham posited a famous idea: always pick the simplest explanation. Often referred to as the parsimony principle, “Ockham’s razor” has shaped scientific decisions for centuries. But…

Information Technology

AI Tool Analyzes Speech Patterns to Identify Depression

Evaluation of an AI-based voice biomarker tool to detect signals consistent with moderate to severe depression Background and Goal: Depression impacts an  estimated 18 million Americans each year,  yet depression…

Information Technology

Humans vs Machines—Who’s Better at Recognizing Speech?

Are humans or machines better at recognizing speech? A new study shows that in noisy conditions, current automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems achieve remarkable accuracy and sometimes even surpass human…
