CeBIT 2014

CeBIT 2014: German Software-Cluster Boosts Economic Processes

Processes for a faster and more dynamic economy

Processes are at the core of the economy. The German Software-Cluster, distinguished in the leading-edge cluster competition of the German government, researches and develops software solutions that make processes controllable even across company borders and under rapidly changing conditions while allowing flexible combination at the same time. The partners of the Software-Cluster show the following solutions at CeBIT 2014:

ADIGE – Adapting and Controling Service-Based Business Processes

The solution demonstrates how business processes in the retail sector can be adapted in the future to be able to reorder supplies from a dynamically changing number of suppliers without any manual input.

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Emergent Mobility – Emergent Combination of Cloud Services to Improve the Traffic Flow

The service platform on display demonstrates, how, by applying emergent software principles, a variety of cloud services can be combined in such a way that the merged service is capable of reacting significantly more flexibly to traffic incidents and deliver more targeted and real-time decision support for route-planning.
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Emergent Logistics – The Fastest Way to Bring Software Ideas to the Cloud

The principles of emergent software enable tools that bring innovative software ideas faster to the cloud. This way, software companies are able to react more quickly to market trends. The demonstrator shows an application example of how logistical steps within goods receiving departments can be simplified and accelerated through integration of cloud services.
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Multimodal Coordination of Production Processes in Agriculture

Modern harvesting processes can increasingly be compared to industrial manufacturing processes. At CeBIT the Software-Cluster partners demonstrate how IT-based tools can support farmers to efficiently coordinate a large number of agricultural machines and employees via mobile devices as well as adapt the whole harvesting process to sudden external disruptions (e.g. weather).
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Augmented Reality Maintenance Information System

At CeBIT a comprehensive Augmented Reality Maintenance Information System will be demonstrated. Using a real John Deere tractor as an application case, the systems gives precise and clear instructions for the technical details of basic maintenance tasks and provides support for the replacement of defective consumables or the maintenance of lubrication parts.
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VASEC – Value-Added Services with an Urban Information and Service Platform

On display is an urban information and service platform which integrates different data sources of a city in such a way that the maximum safety for road users is achieved, e.g. in case of an accident. Particular attention is paid to the use of eCars
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ExplorAR – Exploring Life and Work in the Software-Cluster

The ExplorAR App enables an interactive exploring of the companies, universities and research facilities as well as recreational activities, nature and culture in the Software-Cluster. The ExplorAR App enriches a physical 3D model of the landscape between Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, Kaiserslautern and Saarbrucken with the help of augmented reality (AR) towards a virtual information landscape
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Business Model Wizard – Implement Innovation Successfully in the Market

The Business Model Wizard is an IT-based kit for a holistic and standardized description of business models for the software industry. It supports both start-ups and established companies with the design, analysis and optimization of their business models. A link to the process level allows the consideration of current information from the business processes in order to make adjustments to the underlying model when needed.
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The Semantic Business Portal: Finding Software-Cluster Partners

The semantic business portal is a tool which supports the cooperation between different companies by using semantic analysis to discover correlations between them in order to promote business-partnerships. It also offers a digital home for start-ups to get connected with companies already established on the market and to receive specific information about services for founders.
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CRS AG: Corporate Resource Management for Dynamic Business Environments

The Software-Cluster start-up CRS AG focusses on providing the best planning solutions for organisations which operate in dynamic and fast changing business conditions, and which need constant control and visibility of the organisation's plans and resulting outcomes. CRS AG has built a next-generation software platform to bypass the limits of rather inflexible 'classic' ERP systems that organisations often find themselves confronted with whenever they operate in fast changing business conditions.
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RST: High-End 3D Visualisation Based on System Simulation

With cross-connected, the Software-Cluster start-up RST offers interactive high-end 3D visualisations based on system simulations. Manufacturers of complex systems can develop and test the full functionality of their products in real-time and also present them to their customers. cross-connected represents the sales tool of the next generation in machine and plant engineering.
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Teamondo. Easy Collaboration: Effektive Communication and Documentation

With its product Teamondo, the Software-Cluster start-up LiveSein offers a simple, innovative and secure audio and web conferencing tool. Teamondo distinguishes itself through a new type of visualization and documentation: intuitive user guidance, high level of security and an automatic summary of the meeting results in a protocol at the end of the conference – to name just a few of this product’s features.
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white|c – We Make the World around You Digitally Useable

The DFKI spin-off company white|c shows its latest innovation in 3D documentation at the Software-Cluster stand: 3D installations that are recorded with the help of 3D laser scanning in the real world and reproduced as a model. The surface of the model is equipped with special sensors, whereby a touch interaction is allowed with the object, which can be useful for museum educational services.
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Apart from these exhibits that are on display at the Software-Cluster stand, results from Software-Cluster projects are also shown at other stands at CeBIT 2014:

Vertical Integration of Production Processes: Industry 4.0 hands-on (Hall 5, Stand E18)

The demonstrator shown at the CeBITstand of proALPHA Software AG in Hall 9, Stand E18 gives an idea of the principle of Industry 4.0: Using a production module with multiple process units visitors can experience how the intelligent embedded production systems vertically linked to the business processes in the company's ERP system.
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Collaboration Marketplace for the Creation and operation of Power Pools (Hall 9, Stand D40)

At the stand of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Hall 9, Stand D40, the collaboration marketplace ePools demonstrates how classical processes of the energy economy are extended using energy pools. Producers and consumers alike get smart tools to organize themselves in any composite structures. Energy management is efficiently supported and significant cost advantages are generated.
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The following partners of the Software-Cluster are present at the CeBIT 2014 and involved with the demonstrations: 1&1 Internet AG, CAS Software AG, CONWEAVER GmbH, CyberForum e.V., German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), DFKI-Innovative Retail Laboratory, Empolis Information Management GmbH, eperi GmbH, EUROSEC GmbH, eyeled GmbH, FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE ) , Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD), Fraunhofer Institute for Technical and Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT), House of IT e.V., IMC AG, Insiders Technologies GmbH, intelligent views gmbh, IT FOR WORK e.V., John Deere European Technology Innovation Center, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Kompetenzzentrum Informatik Saarland, proALPHA Software AG,SAP AG, Scheer Management GmbH, SEEBURGER AG, Sirrix AG security technologies, SmartFactoryKL, Software AG, Software Technologie Initiative Kaiserslautern e.V., TU Darmstadt, TU Kaiserslautern, Saarland University, Urban Software Institute GmbH, YellowMap AG

The demonstrators shown at CeBIT 2014 are results of two ongoing Software-Cluster projects within the leading-edge cluster competition of the German Federal Government:
“Innovative Services in the Future Internet” (September 2011 to June 2014), which researches and tests the sales of enterprise software services in the cloud, as well as “Software Innovation for the Digital Enterprise” (February 2013 to May 2015), that has set out to create an infrastructure for the launch of business software services in the cloud that can be combined in new ways.

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