Interdisciplinary Research

News and developments from the field of interdisciplinary research.

Among other topics, you can find stimulating reports and articles related to microsystems, emotions research, futures research and stratospheric research.

Researchers Give Robots the Capability for Deceptive Behavior

“We have developed algorithms that allow a robot to determine whether it should deceive a human or other intelligent machine and we have designed techniques…

Novel nanotechnology collaboration leads to breakthrough in cancer research

One of the most difficult aspects of working at the nanoscale is actually seeing the object being worked on. Biological structures like viruses, which are…

Climbing to the next level: the German Virtual Liver Network

In April 2010, an ambitious new project was launched in Germany: The German Virtual Liver Network. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research…

Interaction Between Design and Functionality

For several years already, neither automotive engineering nor life science, architecture or the producers of animation films have been able to work without…

Out of the Gait: Cornell’s Robot Ranger Sets Untethered ‘Walking’ Record at 14.3 Miles

Ranger navigated 108.5 times around the indoor track in Cornell’s Barton Hall – about 212 meters per lap, and made about 70,000 steps before it had a stop and…

Engineering could give reconstructive surgery a facelift

Whether resulting from illness or injury, loss of facial bones poses problems for reconstructive surgeons beyond cosmetic implications: The patient's chewing,…

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