Dresden Nexus Conference 2020: Same Time, Virtual Format, Registration Opened

Under the theme “Circular Economy in a Sustainable Society”, the third Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC2020) in June will be devoted to important issues of sustainable societal development.

Despite many positive aspects, there are still many unanswered questions and reservations with regard to processes of a circular economy. DNC2020 will address these questions. Thirteen different sessions will span a wide range of topics.

Economic and social aspects of circular economy will be discussed as well as the challenges and opportunities of implementing integrated management models in various sectors such as the construction sector, agriculture, or water management.

The following experts from science and practice will enrich the conference as keynote speakers:

– David M. Malone, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Rector of the United Nations University
– Raimund Bleischwitz, Chair of Sustainable Global Resources at the University College London (UCL) and Director of the UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources (BSEER)
– Sasha Koo-Oshima, Deputy Director of the Land & Water Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
– Brendan Edgerton, Director of Circular Economy at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
– Christina Dornack, Chair of and Head of the Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy at TU Dresden

Full programme out now – Details on the new virtual programme elements

Pre-recorded keynote speeches will be presented on the DNC YouTube channel before the conference. Additional to that, keynote speakers will offer 30-minute live Q&A sessions moderated by special guests during the conference. To submit questions to keynote speakers, participants can use the comment function on YouTube for the respective keynote video. The keynote speakers will aim to answer as many questions as possible during the live Q&A sessions.

Thanks to all session convenors and all session contributors, the organisers are able to offer all previously planned sessions in the new virtual format. More information on the sessions can be found on the DNC2020 website.

Panel discussion changes its format – now expert statements
The original panel discussion format was altered into a collection of pre-recorded expert statements. Experts from countries such as Austria, Germany, Ghana, India, Malaysia, and Singapore will present policy developments and developments related to circular economy in their countries. These expert statements will also be available on the DNC YouTube channel before the conference.

Poster gallery
Poster contributions will be made available in a virtual poster gallery via the DNC2020 website.

Side events and special sessions
Besides the main programme, DNC2020 will also offer a variety of side events such as the live PRISMA – Sustainability Assessment and Policy Award ceremony and the (virtual) signing of the DNC Declaration.

Another highlight are three special sessions on “Learning through Serious Games – Play and learn about water-energy-food-land and climate nexus interactions!”, “Towards a Nexus Knowledge Agenda” and “Increase rigour & relevance – using 21st century science communication means!”.

Information on registration

To join the virtual DNC2020, participants need to register on the conference website.

Now that the virtual conference will be made available at no cost, delegates who paid fees for the original conference format will receive a full refund. There is no need to contact the organisers for the reimbursement. This will be initiated automatically. Please note that it may take several weeks to receive the refund.

https://2020.dresden-nexus-conference.org/frontend/index.php?folder_id=2539&…= – Link to full DNC2020 programme
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGxFClTgS0VahIbFZTtMSEQ – Link to DNC YouTube channel
https://2020.dresden-nexus-conference.org/frontend/index.php?folder_id=2557&…= – Link to DNC2020 website and registration

Media Contact

Heike Hensel idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

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