AWK Aachen Machine Tool Colloquium 2017: Internet of Production for Agile Enterprises
Once again, the AWK Aachen Machine Tool Colloquium was the meeting point for more than 1,000 German and international experts from production technology and related disciplines, providing them with an extensive program of talks as well as an accompanying industrial exhibition.
The conference program consisted of twelve specialist talks divided into two parallel series and four keynote speeches as well as six additional plenary speeches from economy and practice, giving a comprehensive overview of current Industrie 4.0 approaches and strategies.
Four talk sessions on the topics ”Agile production development”, ”Learning production systems”, “Networked, adaptive production” and ”Scientific production practice” aimed to answer urgent questions regarding today’s production technology. As part of the conference, participants were also given the opportunity to visit numerous new facilities on the campus of RWTH Aachen University.
The Aachen perspective: Internet of Production
The Internet of Production describes Aachen’s perspective on the challenges of Industrie 4.0 and focuses on one primary objective: a real-time capable, safe availability of information at any time and any place. Information thus turns into a powerful and versatile digital shadow of production. Precise and continuous data analyses make it possible to recognize patterns within production and to deduce prognoses for decision support. The systematic learning from the data collected within this Internet of Production can provide companies with a significant added value because it is supposed to enable both agile, highly iterative product development as well as a quick and error-free implementation of change requests in serial production. Such aggregated information, which is virtually collected in real time, is a competitive advantage for companies, supporting them to achieve new forms of adaptation and agility.
A proven concept for new challenges
The AWK has been dealing with current developments in production for more than 65 years now. Every three years, well-renowned speakers from different fields of production technology and related disciplines along with researchers from the WZL and the Fraunhofer IPT present research results and industrial solutions for product development and production, share corporative strategies and talk about experiences in implementing new concepts. The objective and aspiration of the 29th AWK was to comprehensively reflect on current developments as well as to point out unexploited potentials and new paths to a successful future.
The conference proceedings, entitled ”AWK Aachener Werkzeugmaschinen Kolloquium – Internet of Production für agile Unternehmen”, is available from Apprimus Verlag, ISBN 978-3-86359-512-8.
For further information on the conference and the program go to:
Pia Walendzik M.Sc.
Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL of RWTH Aachen University
Phone +49 241 80-27377
This press release and printable photos are also available on the Internet:……
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